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- Middle School Exploratory Department Course Summary
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- HHS Family & Consumer Sciences Department
- HHS Health & Physical Education Curriculum
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- HHS World Languages Department Curriculum
- English Language Development
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Middle School Exploratory Department Course Summary
All Middle School students are required to take the following exploratory in their middle school career: Art Engage A, Computer Applications A, Exploring Technology A, FCS A, PE 7 and 8, Team Sports, Health 7 and 8, and either Music A or a music techniques course. In addition, students will select from the B course offerings, World Language, or Math or ELA Interventions to complete exploratory requirements. Required courses are denoted with an * .
Non-Performing Classes
Music A* (could be replaced with techniques course)
- Music Literacy and the Elements of Music (keyboards and Garageband)
- Music Theater Unit: Storytelling and Music
- Music in our Daily Lives
Music B
- History and the Evolution of Music
- Music Appreciation (analyze elements of jazz, popular, and rock music)
- Music Literacy and the Elements of Music (guitars)
Performing Classes
(Designed for students who participate in chorus, band, and/or orchestra; these courses are available half-year or full-year in both grades 7 and 8.)
Vocal Techniques 7/8 A/B
- Singing skills for various music styles
- Reading music skills
- Basic Keyboarding
String Techniques 7/8 A/B (student-provided instruments)
- Music skills for traditional bowed instruments
- Reading music skills
Brass/Woodwind/Percussion Techniques 7/8 A/B (student-provided instruments)
- Technical skills for traditional brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments
- Reading music skills
Twenty-first century Information Literacy Skills are integrated into curricular content areas and include locating, accessing and evaluating information; developing searching techniques; learning a research process; and using information ethically.
Family and Consumer Science
Introduction to FCS A*
- Safety and Sanitation
- Fundamentals of Cooking/Dining
- Diet and Nutrition
- Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
Sewing B- Clothing Selection and Care
- Fibers and fabrics
- Laundry
- Sewing
Technology Education
Technology education involves hands-on problem solving in the following areas: communication, construction, manufacturing, energy/power, transportation, biotechnology
Exploring Technology A*
- Evolution of Technology
- Programming using Lego Mindstorms
Applying Technology B
- Design and build CO2 Dragster
- Search and Rescue Challenge with EV3 Robot
Art Engage A*
Students will create, present and respond to works of art—both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional. Units of study include the following:
- Elements and Principles of Art
- Seeing and Observing
- Ideas and Meanings
Art Express BStudents will expand on basics taught in 7thgrade to continue creative-problem-solving and critical thinking as they deepen their understanding in these areas:
- Color Theory
- Multicultural units
Health and Physical Education
Health Education 7*
- Healthy Lifestyles /Responsible Choices
- Body Systems
- Nutrition
- Emergency Responses
Health Education 8*- Health Wellness
- Mental Health
- Eating Disorders
- Impact of tobacco, alcohol, and other substance abuse on the body
- Communicable/ Non-communicable diseases
Physical Education 7* and 8*- Physical Fitness
- Cardio Activities
- Cooperation and Teamwork
Team Sports*- Movements, Skills, Strategies
- Sportsmanship and Fair Play
- Lifelong Activities
Personal Fitness I/II- Flexibility and Muscular Fitness
- Cardiovascular Endurance
World Languages
Each course stresses verbal proficiency and includes the following areas:
- Pronunciation and recitation
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Related cultures and basic geography of respective countries
Completing the A and B course of the same language equates to completing French I, German I or Spanish I. Students who complete the full year will have the course credit appear on their high school transcript, but the grade does not count toward high school GPA. Students who successfully complete the A and B courses of the same language may move to the second level of the course at the high school.
Students may also choose to explore languages by taking a half-year course (French A, German A, or Spanish A) or a half year of multiple languages to fulfill their exploratory course requirements. Students who take only the A course will enter the first level of the class at the high school.
Business, Computer, and Information Technology
Computer Applications A*
- Introduction to business marketing
- Design concepts
- Microsoft Office 365
- Video podcast project
Introduction to Business B
- Microsoft Office 365
- Mobile App design skills
- Marketing projects and presentations
PA Department of Education
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction at the Hempfield School District are correlated to the standards provided by Pennsylvania Department of Education. These standards can be found at https://www.pdesas.org/standard/
Information regarding state assessments including PSSA and Keystone Exams can be found at http://www.pdesas.org/assessment/
Department Coordinators
Business, Computer & Information Technology Coordinator
Mr. Andy Wise
Family and Consumer Science
Mrs. Lauren Stauffer
Health and Physical Education
Mr. Mark Ashley
Mrs. Sarah DeMaria
Mrs. Lisa Sempsey
Technology and Engineering
Mr. Jason James
World Languages
Ms. Stephanie Henrich -