- Hempfield School District
- Meeting Dates
Meeting Dates
All School Board business is conducted at regularly scheduled meetings unless a revised schedule is approved by the majority of the board.The Hempfield Board of School Directors utilizes a committee structure to efficiently accomplish their work. The standing committees, including Buildings & Grounds, Education & Programs, Finance, and Policy, Personnel, & Legal meet on a regular schedule to complete due diligence. These meetings are all open to the public. The committees then report information and recommendations to the full board.
The School Board meets as a whole, on the second Tuesday of each month, with the exception of December, when the meeting is held on the first Tuesday according to School Code. This meeting is called the Regular Meeting and is for the Board to take action on agenda items following review and discussion based on committee reports and recommendations. The School Board may take official action on any matter at any meeting.
The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in Board meetings. The Board provides an opportunity at each open meeting for residents and taxpayers to comment on matters of concern. Read the guidelines in School Board Policy 903.
Standing Committees
Hempfield School District Standing Committees include:
- Buildings and Grounds Committee
- Education and Programs Committee
- Finance Committee
- Policy, Personnel, and Legal Committee
Please reference the district calendar for all school board and standing committee meeting dates.