- Hempfield School District
- New Student Registration
New Student Registration
Hempfield School District uses an online student registration program (linked below) which allows parents/guardians to input student information right from the comfort of their own home, office, public library, or any other web-hosted location. Please only register if your child is not currently enrolled at Hempfield School District.Please Note: The compulsory school age in Pennsylvania was recently changed and requires all students to begin school no later than age 6 and attend school until age 18 or until graduation.
- A child is eligible for admission into kindergarten if they have attained the age of five (5) before the first day of September.
- A child is eligible for admission into 1st grade if they have attained the age of six (6) before the first day of September regardless of prior educational programming (Board Policy 201).
In order to register your child you must first have an email account. If you already have an email address, please complete the online new student registration. After you complete the registration, you can then create a parent portal account which will allow you to check your child’s grades, attendance, and see special events at the school. If you do not have an email address, or you need additional help navigating the process, please follow these PowerSchool Access instructions.Note: Please write down your account information and password, as it will be your key to your child’s information while they are here at Hempfield.
Upon completion of an online enrollment, you will receive an email with further information and the next steps. The online registration system allows us to speed up the transmittal of your student’s data across our system to food service, transportation, nursing services, and your child’s school building to ensure a smooth start to your Hempfield experience.
If you do not have access to the Internet, you can make an appointment to bring the required and recommended forms listed below to our office where you will enter the data into a computer kiosk located in the Student Services Office.Required Registration Information
You must complete all requested registration information and provide the following documentation.- Proof of residency for parent/guardian who resides in the Hempfield School District (deed, lease/rental agreement, HSD real estate or Lancaster county real estate tax bill, or current utility bill)
- Lease/rental agreements must be signed by the tenant and landlord within 30 days
- Student birth certificate or passport
- Student immunization record (must include first name, last name, and date of birth)
- Photo ID of parent/guardian
Requested Registration Information
- Copy of most recent Report Card from last school attended (Unofficial Transcript required for high school students, if applicable)
- Other related documents from last school attended (IEP, ER, NOREP and 504 Plan if applicable)
- Name, Address, and Phone Number of last school attended, if applicable
- In the event of a shared custody arrangement, please include a copy of the custodial order. In the absence of a court order of custody, the district has a custodial form that can be generated but can only be used for educational rights purposes.
Registration Link
- Click the button below to register a student for the current 2024-25 school year.
- Please do not use this link to register kindergarten students for next school year. A link will be provided for 2025-26 kindergarten registration at the end of January/beginning of February.