District Attendance Policy

  • The Board requires that school age students enrolled in district schools attend school regularly, in accordance with state laws. The educational program offered by the district is based upon the presence of the student and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation in order for students to achieve academic standards and consistent educational progress.

    Attendance shall be required of all students, of compulsory school age, enrolled in district schools during the days and hours that school is in session. Compulsory school age refers to the period of a child’s life from the time the child enters school as a beginner. The compulsory school age in Pennsylvania was recently changed and requires all students to begin school no later than age 6 and attend school until age 18 or until graduation.

    Regular, daily attendance will be required except that a principal or district administrator may excuse a student for temporary absences upon receipt of satisfactory evidence of mental, physical, or other urgent reasons that may reasonably cause the student's absence. Urgent reasons shall be strictly interpreted and do not permit irregular attendance.

    For more information on Hempfield School District's attendance policies, please refer to the links to the right. To read the Board Policy on attendance, visit our Policy Manual. For other questions, please call the Student Services Office at 717-459-9009.