Hempfield's 1:1 program has been under research and development since 2013. A number of district leaders developed a shared vision for the program, reviewing other schools' 1:1 implementations, evaluating Hempfield's readiness and resources, piloting software and hardware, and ultimately developing a comprehensive plan for a K-12 1:1 initiative. The district's
Comprehensive Plan Committee included a K-12 1:1 program as one of the district's primary supporting activities in the three year plan approved by the School Board in the fall of 2014. The district's Technology Task Force developed the specifics of a 1:1 program beginning in 2014.
Several pilots were held at the elementary and secondary levels during the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years to determine what problems might arise from the software, hardware, and procedures during a 1:1 program at Hempfield. The pilots' results were shared with the School Board in June of 2014. The following December, the Technology Task Force presented its full plan for a K-12 1:1 which the board approved in January 2015. The first grade level to take part in the program was fourth grade, beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.