Schoology Access

  • Schoology is Hempfield's learning management system. It contains all electronic information related to day-to-day classroom activities including syllabi/year-at-a-glance documents, assignments, handouts, worksheets, and reference materials. Students are automatically enrolled in elecronic classes based on their schedule. Parents/Guardians have access to all of the classes and groups in which their children are enrolled.
    There is no longer a separate signup process for Schoology. When a parent account is created in PowerSchool, an associated account with the same username is created in Schoology. The password for the Schoology account can be retrieved from the Schoology tab in the PowerSchool parent portal. Passwords for Schoology accounts cannot be changed or synced with PowerSchool at this time.
    schoology menu link powerschool schoology screenshot  

    Parents can log into Schoology at

    Staff and students can log into Schoology at

    Mobile apps are available for iOS and Android.