Kindergarten Curriculum Summary


    • Count by ones and tens to 100
    • Read and write numbers to 20
    • Count objects with one-to-one correspondence
    • Represent a quantity of objects with a written number
    • Compare groups of objects
    • Compare written numbers
    • Understand addition and subtraction concepts
    • Solve addition and subtraction word problems
    • Name numbers in multiple ways
    • Find numbers that make 10
    • Fluently add and subtract within 5
    • Identify and create patterns
    • Use place value with teen numbers
    • Compare measurable attributes of objects
    • Classify and sort objects
    • Name the days of the week
    • Identify, describe, and create two-dimensional shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square, hexagon)
    • Identify, describe, and create three-dimensional shapes (sphere, cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, cube)
    • Describe the location of objects using positional words


  • Informational Text

    • Identify the main idea, retell details, and make connections
    • Identify title, author, and parts of text
    • Ask and answer questions about unknown words
    • Identify similarities and differences between two texts


    • Retell stories and answer questions about text details
    • Identify characters, setting, and major events in the story
    • Name the author and illustrator and explain the role of each
    • Ask and answer questions about unknown words
    • Make connections between illustrations and the text
    • Compare and contrast the experiences of characters in familiar stories


    • Write routinely over short time frames
    • Use drawings, dictating, and writing to create text
    • Write informative pieces focused on one topic using details
    • Write opinion pieces on a topic and support the opinion with reasons
    • Write narrative pieces that describe real or imagined experiences and events
    • Respond to literature
    • Participate in research projects and gather information from sources
    • Use digital tools to produce and publish writing
    • Recount an experience by telling about the events in order and providing a reaction to what happened
    • Apply conventions of grammar, capitalization (first word of sentence and I), end punctuation, and spelling

Spelling and Word Study

    • Know 1:1 letter/sound correspondence
    • Know common spellings for long and short vowel sounds
    • Read high-frequency words
    • Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying sounds of the letters that differ

Listening and Speaking

    • Participate in conversations with peers and adults
    • Ask and answer questions
    • Share stories, experiences, and interests
    • Express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly
    • Speak with appropriate English conventions

Science and STEM

    • How to “do” science
    • Magnets
    • Landforms
    • Weather
    • Conservation
    • Living and nonliving things

Social Studies

    • My role at home and school
    • Community leaders and helpers
    • Wants and needs
    • Geography
    • Holidays, customs, and traditions
    • Important Americans


    • View and discuss historic and contemporary works of art
    • Identify and discuss subject matter in works of art
    • Explore a variety of drawing and painting media
    • Experiment with clay and a variety of sculptural media
    • Introduction to artistic problem solving
    • Share artwork with peers


    • Speak, sing, whisper, shout
    • Steady beat
    • Fast/slow, loud/quiet, up/down, long/short
    • Basic rhythm patterns using iconic notation


    • Book care
    • Choosing print and digital resources
    • Understanding fiction and nonfiction
    • Going places safely online

Physical Education and Health

    • Cooperation with others and competition against self
    • Good sportsmanship
    • Spatial and movement awareness
    • Developmental movement skills
    • Organized games and activities