- Hempfield School District
- Hempfield School District Gifted Program
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- Middle School Core Department Course Summary
- Middle School Exploratory Department Course Summary
- HHS Art Department Curriculum Summary
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- HHS Family & Consumer Sciences Department
- HHS Health & Physical Education Curriculum
- HHS Library Program Curriculum
- HHS Math Department Curriculum
- HHS Music Department Curriculum
- HHS Science Department Curriculum
- HHS Social Studies Department Curriculum
- HHS Technology & Engineering Education
- HHS World Languages Department Curriculum
- English Language Development
- Hempfield School District Gifted Program
- Hempfield Preschool Program
- Library Media Program
Gifted Program
Department Stats
- 8 teachers across all buildings
- Average of 140 referrals per year
- 415 students currently in the program (2023-24)
Process for Identifying Gifted Students
1. Students enter the process through:
- Universal Screening of second graders
- Teacher referrals
- Parent referrals
2. Students referred move on to a multidisciplinary evaluation:
- Full battery of intelligence and achievement testing
- Parent/Teacher input
- Objective district qualification standards
- Results shared through Gifted Written Report
3. Students who qualify_____:
- are assigned a gifted case manager
- receive a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP)
- are offered Enrichment and/or acceleration in the areas of ELA, Math, and/or Science
- Subject/grade level acceleration is determined on a case-by-case basis
Gifted By School Level
Gifted in Elementary Schools
Enrichment Service Delivery:
Pull-out enrichment services are offered during elementary intervention periods.
- Self-selected exploration of ELA topics and projects
- Affective lessons to deal with social and emotional learning topics (SEL) pertaining to gifted students
Math/Logic Day
- Exploratory topics tailored to students’ strengths in the areas of math and problem solving beyond the general education curriculum
Science/SS Day
Thematic units lasting one semester each:
- Grade 1- Mystery Powders and Zoo Simulation
- Grade 2- Environmental Studies and Flight
- Grades 3/4- World Geography/Mock Trial (year 1) | Engineering and Motion (year 2)
- Grades 5/6- Archeology/Ancient Civ and Advertising/Technology (year 1) | Model UN/Architecture (year 2)
Gifted in Middle Schools
Enrichment Service Delivery:
- Gifted Seminar Class
- Independent Goal Setting/Consultative Services
Gifted Seminar Curriculum:
Year 1:
- Unit 1- Understanding Giftedness
- Definitions, characteristics, intelligence theory, multiple intelligences, career exploration
- Unit 2- Creative Problem Solving
- Hands-on and verbal challenges, cooperative learning, team building
Year 2:
- Unit 1- Understanding Giftedness
- Memory & Mnemonics, metacognition, executive function
- Unit 2- Authentic Projects
- Problem identification, goal development, individual/group project
Independent Goal Setting/Consultative Services Curriculum:
- Quarterly meetings for goal setting/grade monitoring
- Career exploration
- Learning Profiles
- Course Selection Counseling
Differentiated Learning Experiences:
- District Sponsored Workshops
- Off-Campus Trips
- Virtual Conferences
- IU13 Sponsored Events
Gifted in High School
Enrichment Service Delivery
- 100% student-centered independent goal setting/consultative service model
- Minimum of 3 meetings per year
- Developmental skills topics at each grade level
- Grade monitoring
- Development of post-secondary portfolio
- Mentoring through college choice, applications, essay writing, and scholarship research
- WIN/Lunch options for studying, tutoring, and collaboration
- Freshmen auto-enrolled in one Gifted WIN period per cycle
Differentiated Learning Experiences:
- GiFTS (Gifted FLEX Time Seminar)
- Recurrent topics
- Based on student interest
- College Preparation
- On and Off-Campus opportunities for engagement
- Career interest field trips and workshops
- On-site seminars and virtual conferences
- Service opportunities
PA Department of Education
Chapter 16 of the Pennsylvania State Education Guidelines mandates districts to identify academically gifted students and provide gifted services in the form of enrichment and/or acceleration based on student strengths. Find more information by clicking here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Gifted Education can be found by clicking here.
Contact Us
Mrs. Janelle Witter
Exceptional Student Specialist
(717) 618-1997