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- Grade 4 Curriculum
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Grade 4 Curriculum Summary
- Represent and solve multiplication, division, and multi-step problems
- Use factors and multiples
- Identify, explain, and generate number and shape patterns
- Determine the missing elements in or rule for function tables
- Determine the missing symbol in number sentences
- Fluently multiply and divide to 100.
- Apply place value and rounding
- Add and subtract within 1,000,000
- Multiply whole numbers by one- or two-digit numbers
- Divide whole numbers by one-digit divisors
- Estimate answers to problems
- Apply equivalent fraction concepts
- Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers
- Multiply a fraction by a whole number
- Solve fraction word problems
- Apply decimal place value concepts
- Convert measurements
- Solve measurement word problems
- Solve area and perimeter problems
- Tell time and calculate elapsed time
- Organize, represent, and interpret data using graphs and line plots
- Use a protractor
- Solve unknown angle problems
- Draw and identify geometric terms and classify 2-D figures
- Apply concepts of symmetry
Informational Text
- Determine main idea and explain how it is supported by details
- Make inferences and explain ideas based upon text evidence
- Compare and contrast topics from two points of view
- Use text structure to interpret text
- Integrate information from two texts on the same topic
- Determine the meanings of words, phrases, and figurative language
- Determine the theme from details
- Cite details to make inferences
- Describe a character, setting, or event in depth
- Compare and contrast an event from two different points of view
- Compare and contrast themes, topics, and patterns
- Determine the meanings of words, phrases, and figurative language
- Write routinely over extended times
- Write informative texts that introduce the topic, convey information clearly, develop the topic with details using precise language, organize information into paragraphs with transitions, and provide a conclusion
- Write opinion pieces that state an opinion, provide reasons supported by facts, use precise words, and create an organizational structure with a conclusion
- Write narrative pieces that develop real or imagined events, introduce a narrator and characters, use dialog and descriptions to convey character responses, organize the sequence of events and provide closure, and choose words carefully
- Draw evidence from texts to support analysis and reflection
- Use technology to produce and publish writing
- Conduct research and gather information from sources which are documented
- Apply conventions of grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
- Develop and strengthen writing by planning, revising, and editing
Spelling and Word Study
- Read unfamiliar multisyllable words using letter-sound correspondence, syllabication, and morphology
Listening and Speaking
- Build on others’ ideas
- Differentiate between contexts that require formal vs. informal English
- Use proper conventions of English
Science and STEM
- Animal adaptations and ecosystems
- Energy and electricity
- Rocks and minerals
Social Studies
- Geography of Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania history – early settlers, William Penn, role in the new nation
- Pennsylvania government
- Pennsylvania’s social, political, cultural, and economic contributions
- View and discuss historic and contemporary works of art
- Identify style, interpret meaning, and evaluate design elements
- Communicate and develop ideas through images and objects created
- Observational drawing skills
- Deepen understanding of spatial relationships, proportion, and scale
- Explore artistic problem solving
- Consider design choices made by artists, architects, and designers
- Present and critique artwork
- Songs using So, Mi, La, Re, Do, high Do, low So, low La
- Harmony, texture, timbre
- Performing advanced rhythmic patterns on classroom instruments
- Melodic patterns on instruments
- Musical alphabet including D space
- Music of Pennsylvania, folk songs, and dances
Opportunity for beginning band or orchestra instrument small group instruction and ensemble rehearsal
Physical Education and Health
- Cooperation with others and competition against self
- Good sportsmanship
- Aerobic and cooperative activities
- Team skills in game situations (dribbling, scoring, throwing, catching, striking)
- Components of fitness and goal setting and fitness assessments
- Track and field events
- Using the Big6 Research Process
- Using keywords
- Using relevant and reliable digital sources
- Healthy media choices