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- Grade 1 Curriculum
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Grade 1 Curriculum Summary
- Fluently add and subtract within 10
- Solve addition and subtraction word problems
- Apply addition properties
- Apply the relationship between addition and subtraction
- Apply addition and subtraction strategies
- Determine if number sentences are true or false
- Determine a missing number in addition and subtraction equations
- Read, write, and count to 120
- Apply place value concepts
- Apply number sense concepts
- Add within 100
- Mentally find 10 more or 10 less than a given number
- Subtract multiples of 10
- Compare and order the lengths of objects
- Measure length using nonstandard units
- Tell time to the hour and half hour
- Organize, represent, and interpret data using graphs
- Create 2-D shapes (circle, half-circle, quarter-circle, triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid)
- Create 3-D shapes (cylinder, cone, cube, prism)
- Create 2-D and 3-D composite shapes
- Apply fraction concepts (halves and fourths/quarters)
Informational Text
- Identify the main idea and retell details
- Ask and answer questions about details and to clarify the meaning of words and phrases
- Use text features
- Identify similarities and differences between texts on the same topic
- Retell stories and identify the message/lesson
- Ask and answer questions about text details
- Describe characters, settings, and events
- Identify who is telling the story
- Explain differences between books that tell stories and books that give information
- Identify words and phrases that suggest feelings or appeal to senses
- Compare and contrast experiences of characters
- Write routinely over short time frames
- Write informative texts that convey information about one topic and develop the topic with facts
- Write opinion pieces that support the opinion with reasons
- Write narratives that describe real or imagined events and establish who and what the story is about
- Recount an event, tell about the details in order, and provide a reaction to what happened
- Group information and provide closure
- Choose words for effect
- Use a variety of words and phrases
- Respond to literature
- Use digital tools to produce and publish writing
- Participate in research projects and gather information from sources
- Apply conventions of grammar, capitalization (names and dates), punctuation (end and commas in dates and in series), and spelling
Spelling and Word Study
- Identify consonant digraphs, final e, and vowel teams
- Decode 1- and 2-syllable words
- Read words with inflectional endings
- Read irregularly spelled words
Listening and Speaking
- Participate in conversations with peers and adults
- Ask and answer questions
- Express ideas and feelings clearly
- Speak in complete sentences with appropriate English conventions
Science and STEM
- Sound
- Heat and matter
- Organisms, life cycles, adaptations
Social Studies
- School and community
- Work
- Geography
- American culture
- Past and present
- American symbols and heroes
- View and discuss historic and contemporary works of art
- Describe and discuss subject matter in works of art
- Communicate ideas through images and objects created
- Recognize the difference between 2-D and 3-D works of art
- Explore artistic problem solving
- Share and discuss artwork with peers
- Songs using So, Mi, La
- Steady beat and basic rhythmic patterns and symbols
- High/low, same/different
- Classroom instruments
- Music in our daily lives
- Super 3 Research Process
- Role of author and illustrator
- Using visual search tools
- Staying safe online and knowing when to ask for help
- Cooperation with others and competition against self
- Good sportsmanship
- Movement skills (locomotor, spatial awareness, coordination, chasing, fleeing)
- Team skills (dribbling, scoring, throwing, catching, passing, striking)
- Components of fitness
- Track and field events
- Cooperative games and activities