- Hempfield School District
- Athletic Resources
- Athletic Training
- Physical Exams
Physical Exam Information
These forms are for the 2024-2025 school year.
Forms must be completed for the current school year. Prior year's forms may not be used and should be discarded.
Physical exams for the 2024-2025 School Year must be dated May 1, 2024 or later. This is a PIAA rule.
The Comprehensive Initial Pre-Participation Evaluation (CIPPE) meets PIAA sports medicine guidelines. The CIPPE is designed to examine forthcoming student athletes’ overall general health, and any other conditions that may prevent athletes from participating in a sport offered by Hempfield School District. MedExpress and other Urgent Care centers offer low-cost sports physicals for walk-in appointments.
- CIPPE Form Sections 1-6
- CIPPE Form Sections 1-6 Spanish
- CIPPE Form Section 7 (Parent/Guardian Recertification)
- CIPP Form Section 8, Physician's Clearance (if needed)
All athletes must complete the following forms before participating in a sport:
- CIPPE form or CIPPE Re-certification form (see flowcharts for which is required).
- Insurance Release Form
- Drug Testing Consent Form
- Possession/Use of Substance Policy Consent Form
- NCAA Academic Eligibility Requirements (High School Only)
Copies of the CIPPE and CIPPE re-certification forms are available for download above, or can be picked up in the Athletic Director’s office, or school offices. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the CIPPE should be completed by parents prior to the physical exam. Section 6 of the CIPPE must be completed by a doctor. Other forms should be obtained from and returned to coaches.Please call the Athletic Trainer at 717-618-7003 or e-mail with questions.Athletic Trainer System Portal
All athletes must complete an Athlete Profile on the ATS portal. See the instructions page for creating an account and profile. Additionally, athletes can use the ATS system to complete their CIPPE paperwork.
Concussion Baseline TestingConcussion baseline testing is a tool that the Athletic Training staff can use to assess athletes for potential brain injuries. The single test does not diagnose a concussion. Rather, athletes complete the baseline test, then if a head injury is sustained, they repeat the test. The scores of the two tests are compared and can be used to assess the extent of a brain injury.All athletes are required to complete concussion baseline testing prior to trying out for a sport. As long as no head injuries are suspected, baseline testing is good for two years. ALL FIRST TIME STUDENT ATHLETES MUST COMPLETE BASELINE TESTING. Returning athletes may be required to renew the baseline testing. Call or e-mail the Athletic Trainer to find out if baseline testing needs to be renewed.Spring 2025 Concussion Baseline Testing
Feb 11th, 18th, 25th from 3:30 to 4:30 in Room 121
This is required for baseball, softball, boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse, pole vaulters, and boys volleyball
If you are unsure if your athlete requires testing or has sustained a head injury since the last testing, please email Jennifer_wettig@hempfieldsd.org.
Spring 2025 PaperworkATS portals will be open Jan 20th for forms to be submitted. If an athlete played a school sport before they DO NOT set up another portal. If you need assistance, you can attempt to reset the password or contact Mrs. Wettig.
Forms are due by February 19th in ATS. This includes PIAA sections 1-6, extracurricular policy and hazing policy form. If forms had previously been submitted prior to January 20th, athletes will ONLY need to complete the PIAA section 7 re-certification form. Any forms dated prior to May 1st, 2024 is not valid for this year.