Gifted Services FAQ's

  • Who can refer a child/student for a gifted evaluation?

  • How do I start a gifted referral/evaluation?

  • What is the Universal Testing that occurs at the elementary level?

  • What is involved in a gifted evaluation?

  • What if I receive the Permission to Evaluate paperwork and I do not want a gifted evaluation for my child?

  • What if I want to stop the evaluation?

  • What is a GIEP?

  • Can you tell me more about elementary gifted services?

  • Can you tell me more about middle school gifted services?

  • Can you tell me more about high school gifted services?

  • What about meeting my student’s strengths in the regular curriculum?

  • Does Hempfield offer acceleration?

  • How do I know how well my child/student is doing?

  • Does my child need to be re-evaluated?

  • What if my child is already receiving services for special education can they still be identified as gifted?

  • Who is the Gifted Coordinator for Hempfield?