High School Gifted Services

  • The High School Gifted Services are designed to offer a continuum of services to meet the diverse needs of gifted students. A variety of service delivery options are available for students within the High School Gifted Services dependent upon students’ individual needs and interests.

    Students will be offered independent goal setting/consultative services with the Gifted Support Included in this service will be the creation of a student portfolio in preparation for college visitations. These goal setting/consultative services will be offered at a minimum of three times per academic year.

    All identified gifted students are eligible to participate in specially designed seminar workshops. Mini-sessions designed to address specifically targeted needs, class meetings, skill sessions, virtual conferences, TED talks, and community-based projects are some of the additional options available in the High School Gifted Services. Check out the High School Gifted Schoology course to see the calendar of options.