- Hempfield School District
- Home Education Homepage
Home Education
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Home Education
All children from the age of six through the age of 18 must comply with compulsory school attendance requirements. To meet these requirements, parents must ensure that their child between the ages of six and 18 is attending or participating in one of the following: a public elementary, middle, or high school; a public charter or cyber-charter school; a private licensed academic or private religious school; home tutoring by a certified teacher; or an approved program of home schooling. Children may be excused from compulsory attendance for documented medical or other compelling reasons as outlined in district attendance policy and procedures.
Parents/guardians interested in pursuing home schooling education must register with Hempfield School District’s Student Services Office, Administration Building, 200 Church Street, Landisville.
Registration Deadline
A notarized affidavit must be filed with the school district before you start your homeschool program and by August 1 of each year after that.
Registration Requirements
Start of school year: Due August 1
- Home Education Notarized Affidavit (found under "Forms" on right-hand side)
- Educational objectives for each subject
- Evidence of immunization (Records or a Letter from Physician) or religious exemption
- Health/Medical services (Records or a Letter from Physician) or religious exemption (upon initial entrance, Grades 6 and 11)
- Dental services or religious exemption (upon initial entrance, Grades 3 and 7)
- Evidence that the supervisor possesses at least a high school diploma or equivalent (Only needs to be submitted when initially enrolling into the Home Education Program)
End of Year: Due date June 30Throughout the school year, the supervisor must maintain a portfolio of student work. The portfolio must be evaluated at the end of each year by a clinical or school psychologist or appropriately certified teacher, i.e. teacher holds PA Teacher Certification in the appropriate subject areas. This evaluation is arranged by the supervisor.
The annual evaluation, conducted by a licensed or certified evaluator, must be submitted to the school district for each student by June 30. The evaluator’s written evaluation based on a review of the portfolio and interview of the child, and any achievement tests will certify whether or not an appropriate education is occurring. Evidence of the evaluator’s certification must be submitted along with evaluation, if not previously provided.
- Home Education Notarized Affidavit (found under "Forms" on right-hand side)