Meal Prices & Payment Options

  • 2024-25 Meal Prices

    Meal Price
    Elementary Breakfast
    Secondary Breakfast
    Elementary Lunch
    Middle School Lunch
    High School Lunch (Main Line)
    Adult Breakfast
    Adult Lunch (Elem & MS/HS)

    $4.75 / $5.00

    *Due to community eligible provision (CEP) – a federal program that allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost without collecting household applications to students in buildings with a high percentage of directly certified and categorically eligible students – students at all buildings will receive free lunch for the 2024-25 school year (as of December 1, 2023). This is in addition to the free breakfast that is already offered for the 2024-25 school year.
    Funds must be used to purchase snacks, drinks, ice cream, extra entrees, and other items not on the menu.

    Pay for School Meals Online

    Payment for a-la-carte/extra items is expected at the time of the purchase. Each child has their own account into which parents can deposit any amount of money at any time.
    All funds can be added online by visiting SchoolCafé. Visit their website for instructions on how to sign-up your child's account for online payments. You will need to provide your child's student ID number, which can be found on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Funds can be added weekly, monthly, or when the balance runs low.
    Please Note: When registering with SchoolCafé for the first time, be sure to select "Hempfield School District (Lancaster)" not "Hempfield Area School District."

    Pre-Pay Envelopes

    Pre-pay envelopes are also provided for your convenience. Please write your child’s name on the front of the envelope. You may pay with cash or by check, payable to "Hempfield Cafeteria Account."