Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: If a parent or grandparent wants to attend a school play or breakfast, do they need to have clearances?

  • Q: Do I need clearances to attend classroom celebrations/parties?

  • Q: If a volunteer is scheduled to assist the coach during athletic practices, does he/she need clearances?

  • Q: If a parent obtains clearances but can no longer continue to finish out the year because of family emergencies, does he/she need new clearances during the following year?

  • Q: If an employee of the district is interested in volunteering, will he/she require new clearances?

  • Q: Can an employee from another district volunteer without new clearances?

  • Q: What if my current employer requires clearances, but they are not the same as the Act 34, 151, or 114 clearance?

  • Q: I have obtained these clearances previously because of requirements at my place of employment or for another organization. Can the district recognize these clearances or must I obtain updated clearances?

  • Q: How long will it take me to obtain the clearances if I am interested in volunteering?

  • Q: Why must I complete the PDE-6004 form if I am only seeking to volunteer in the district?

  • Q: Do I need to submit the paperwork or clearances if I want to assist with PTO-sponsored events that are held outside of the school day (e.g. Fun Fest, basketball nights, ice cream socials, etc.)?

  • Q: May I take photos or videos of my student while volunteering or visiting the classroom or school building?