HPEC Information

  • Hempfield Partners for Exceptional Children is a partnership between parents and district staff, working together to improve parent-school communication and understanding of student needs and educational services for children who have exception (special and/or gifted) learning needs. HPEC is where you can network with parents and staff to share your concerns about your child’s performance in school, to share strategies that have worked for you, or to gain new strategies.
    HPEC Presentation 4-24-2024:

    Support For:

    • Autism
    • Deaf/Blindness
    • Emotional Disturbance
    • Hearing Impairment Including Deafness
    • Intellectual Disability
    • Multiple Disabilities
    • Orthopedic Impairment
    • Other Health Impairment
    • Specific Learning Disability
    • Speech or Language Impairment
    • Traumatic Brain Injury
    • Visual Impairment including Blindness
    • Gifted
    • IEP
    • GIEP
    • 504 plan


    Upcoming Virtual Workshop

    Technology Safety and Resources for Parents
    Virtual Workshop
    November 6th 6:30-8:00PM
    Presented by Tom Eposito, IU-13

    Session Description:

    The iPad is a valuable tool for instruction and a tool for greater access to instructional materials.  In this presentation, you will see how the iPad can be used to address barriers to learning through the various built in accessibility features, help parents monitor and address your child's usage, and how Artificial Intelligence has changed the learning environment.

    Meeting Link - Technology Safety and Resources for Parents
    Meeting ID: 276 094 092 859
    Passcode: yCVdE2


    Questions? Email us!