
  • The Hempfield School District seeks to ensure educational stability and success for homeless students. The district will ensure that homeless students have access to the same educational programs and services provided to other district students. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is a federal law established to ensure the continuity of education for students experiencing homelessness.

    Definition of Homeless Students 

    Definition: The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children as “lacking a fixed, regular, or adequate night-time residence.” This definition includes, but is not limited to, children who are:

    • sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing or economic hardship (doubled-up)
    • living in hotels, motels, or campground
    • living in emergency or transitional shelters
    • sleeping in places unfit for human habitation (such as park benches)
    • living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, etc.
    • or migrant youth who are living in any of the above-mentioned circumstances.

    Student Rights Provided by McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

    • Receive a free, appropriate education.
    • Enroll in school immediately and attend classes while the school gathers required documents.
    • Enroll in the local school where you are living OR remain in their original school.
    • Receive transportation to your original school, if requested.
    • Receive comparable services as housed students, including special education.
    • Receive free breakfast and lunch.
    • Categorically eligible for services such as Head Start and Title One services.
    • Right to dispute: if a parent is not in agreement with the district’s placement decision and wants to exercise their right to appeal, they should contact the district Homeless Liaison.

    Unaccompanied youth have the same right as other displaced students plus:

    • The right to enroll in school as an independent student.
    • The right to the same challenging academic standards as housed students, including partial credits and credit recovery when needed.
    • The right to be informed of their status as independent students for FAFSA and receive verification of that status.

    If you or someone you know may be experiencing homelessness, contact the building social worker (see below) or the Hempfield School District Homeless Liaison, Amy Gates at amy_gates@hempfieldsd.org or (717) 459-9006.

    East Petersburg, Landisville Primary and Intermediate Centers – Jason Lindsley, jason_lindsley@hempfieldsd.org

    Centerville, Farmdale, Mountville, and Rohrerstown Elementary Schools – Aleda Risser, aleda_risser@hempfieldsd.org

    Centerville and Landisville Middle Schools and 9th grade – Meghan Sensenig, meghan_sensenig@hempfieldsd.org

    High School 10th – 12th grade – Bridget Martin, bridget_martin@hempfieldsd.org

    Region 2 Coordinator - Kristen Hoffa, krihof@berksiu.org, 610-987-8509 or 800-510-2741.