- Hempfield School District
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Tax Office Information
Hempfield School District Real Estate Tax bills will be mailed to property owners and should be received on or about July 1. Property owners are responsible for verifying with their mortgage company that the current tax bill was received.
Property owners are responsible for payment of the Real Estate Tax even if a tax bill is not received. If you own a property in the Hempfield School District and did not receive your tax bill, please contact the Tax Office at 717-898-5565.
The real estate tax is based on the assessed value of the property. This assessed value is determined by the Lancaster County Property Assessment Office. Questions regarding your assessed value as well as mailing address changes should be directed to the Assessment Office at 717-299-8381.
Important Payment Dates
Full Payment Plan
- 2% discount postmarked by August 31
- Base amount postmarked by October 31
- 10% penalty postmarked by December 31
Installment Payment Plan
- 1st installment postmarked by August 31 (first payment must be postmarked by August 31 to enroll in this plan)
- 2nd installment postmarked by October 31
- 3rd installment postmarked by December 31
Final due date for all property tax payments is December 31. Unpaid balances will be turned over to the Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau for collection.
Interim Tax Bills
Throughout the year, interim tax bills are issued to all property owners for new construction or property improvements. Interim bills are issued after the Lancaster County Property Assessment Office assigns an assessed value to the property. Payment due dates are specified on the interim bill Interim bills are not forwarded to mortgage companies.
Lancaster County Property Assessment Encourages Residents to Update Property Records Ahead of 2027 Reassessment
Lancaster County is preparing for the 2027 property reassessment and encourages property owners within the County to do the same. Counties are required by law to conduct periodic reassessments of all properties. The County of Lancaster previously completed reassessments in 2017.
Property owners can begin checking their property record through the Property Assessment Website to ensure that all data on file is correct. Property owners who find inaccurate or missing information may complete a Property Correction Form or may contact the Property Assessment Office by emailing paquestions@lancastercountypa.gov.
A reassessment is the process used to determine accurate and fair property values within the County. The process of the assessment will begin in 2025 for the 2027 Reassessment. In 2025 and 2026, an assessor from the Lancaster County Property Assessment Office may visit your property for an outside-only inspection, including taking photos from the exterior of the property. Assessment staff will have county identification, and their vehicles clearly marked designating them to be from the Property Assessment Office.
The purpose of a reassessment is to ensure the fairness of taxes relative to property values, not to increase taxes. Reassessment does not generate additional revenue for the County or other real estate taxing bodies. Even though a property’s assessment may increase, taxing bodies must adjust their current tax rate to remain revenue neutral, before making any other adjustments.
The property assessment office is ready to assist residents with preparation for the 2027 reassessment. For more information visit www.lancastercountypa.gov/154/property-reassessment. https://www.lancastercountypa.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=2220
Tax Info.
2024-25 Tax Millage Rate:
18.3084 mills (3.5% Increase)Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion:$10,767.00
Homestead/Farmstead Reduction:$197.13
Tax Code:36310
Contact Us
200 Church StreetLandisville, PA 17538Monday - Thursday7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.Phone: (717) 898-5565Fax: (717) 898-5641