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  • Tentative Agreement - November 12, 2024

    The negotiation teams for both the Hempfield School Board and the Hempfield Education Association (HEA) are pleased to announce that a Tentative Agreement has been reached between the two parties.

    Joint Press Release



    The following examples illustrate how benefit contributions relate to proposed salary increases. It is important to note that under no circumstances would any teacher experience a reduction in take-home pay due to these changes. Even with the proposed adjustments to benefit contributions, every teacher would see a net increase in their earnings.  

      PPO High Deductible

Board Statement 10.10.24

  • After months of negotiations between the Board and Hempfield Education Association (HEA) and an inability to reach an agreement with the HEA, the school board remains committed to transparency and maintaining the trust of our community.

    To ensure our stakeholders have a clear understanding of the Board’s efforts, we are releasing the five proposals submitted during negotiations—Proposals 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, and 3—along with a summary of each.

    The board firmly believes these proposals represented fair, equitable solutions that balanced the needs of our valued teachers with the district's financial responsibilities and ongoing commitments. Each proposal reflected a genuine effort to address the concerns raised while ensuring we could continue to provide a high-quality education for our students and maintain the fiscal health of the district.

    We look forward to continued dialogue, and we hope that a resolution can soon be reached that supports both our educators and the needs of the district.

    We thank our community for their understanding and ongoing support during this challenging process.

Board Proposals

HEA Proposals


  • Did the board hire an additional attorney for negotiations?

  • Are the teachers currently working without a contract?

  • How many proposals has the Board provided HEA and HEA to the Board?

  • If the Board values our teachers, why won’t the Board give the teachers what they are asking for?

  • Based on the most current proposals, how far apart are the Board and HEA?

  • How much can the Board raise taxes?

  • How much would taxes have to be increased based on their 10/9/24 proposal.

  • What would the starting salary be under the Board’s 9/13/24 proposal?

  • What would the highest salary be under the Board’s 9/13/24 proposal for each year of the contract?

  • How does the average salary compare to other districts in the county?

  • What salary increases is the Board proposing for the teachers in the 9/13/24 proposal?

  • Under the Board’s 9/13/24 proposal for a 4-year contract, what would the cumulative increase in base wages be?

  • Are the salary increases in the question above the only salary increases teachers can earn?

  • What have salary increases been in the past and how does that compare to the county average?

  • Will pay increases be retroactive to the start of the school year once the contract is settled?

Additional Information