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Graduation Requirements
To graduate from Hempfield High School, a student must successfully complete the below graduation requirements approved by the Hempfield Board of School Directors. All obligations must be satisfied before a diploma may be awarded. See the course selection guide for more details.
To be eligible for graduation from the Hempfield School District, a student must:
- Pass the required courses of instruction, (see below)
- Demonstrate mastery for Algebra I, Biology, and Literature by scoring proficient or better on the Keystone Exams or complete another pathway approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (see chart on right-hand side),
- Complete the culminating career portfolio,
- And earn 28 credits.
Required Credits to Graduate
Course Area Credits Courses English 4.0 English 9, English 10, any two literary analysis courses, or an English AP or approved dual enrollment course Social Studies 4.0 Grade 9: American History or American History AP
Grade 10: World History or World History AP: Modern
Grade 11: US Government and Economics or Government and Politics AP
Grade 12: Global America or Microeconomics AP or Macroeconomics AP or Comparative Government AP or HACC 103 and 104 or dual enrollment MicroeconomicsMathematics 4.0 Any four (4) from this list: Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1A, Algebra 1B, Algebra 2, Statistics/Logic/Algorithms, Alegbra 3/Trig, Pre-Calculus, Math Analysis, Calculus, or Computer Science AP Science 3.0 General Science, Biology, and one additional credit from the science course offerings guide, or Honors Biology and two additional credits from the science course offerings guide. Health, Physical Ed 2.0 Health is scheduled in grade 10; Physical Education is scheduled in grades 9, 10, and 11. In grade 12, PE may be taken as an elective. Arts/Humanities 2.0 Art, Music, World Language, Technology & Engineering Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, English**, and Social Studies Fundamentals of Family & Consumer Sciences 0.5 Required course scheduled in grade 9. Personal Financial Literacy 0.5 Required course scheduled in grade 11. Electives 8.0 Student choice Promotion and Grade Level Assignment
Students will remain with their class and be promoted accordingly, providing they meet the minimum credits necessary for promotion:- Grade nine to grade ten – minimum 6 credits
- Grade ten to grade eleven – minimum 12 credits
- Grade eleven to grade twelve – minimum 20 credits
Early Completion Program
A Hempfield High School student may complete graduation requirements at the end of the first semester of their senior year. Approval from the principal is needed. A signed contract outlining the details for Early Completion is required. This contract must be completed in the spring semester of a student's junior year. All Hempfield High School graduation requirements must be fulfilled. Students who would like more information about the Early Completion Program should consult their counselor.
PSAT or ASVAB for Junior Students
To meet PA graduation requirements, all juniors must take either the PSAT (Preliminary SAT) or the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) this year.
You may choose to take both, but every junior student must choose at least one. There is no cost for either assessment.
- PSAT will be held on Wednesday, October 12. More information is available here.
- ASVAB will be held on Tuesday, October 18. More information is available here.
Use the links below to register. If you have questions, please contact Dr. DaCosta.
Register here for the PSAT.
Register here for the ASVAB.