Knights Of The Red Tablet

The Knights of the Red Tablet is a student-run mini-business centralized in Hempfield High School classroom. Through running the business, students learn what it takes to own and operate a small business, how to function as a team and acquire appropriate advertising, math, and job-related social skills to help students succeed post-graduation.
The mini-business began operation in 2003 in a classroom at Columbia High School. The simply-designed tablets were made by students with the assistance of the Columbia High School print shop, and quickly became a huge success. In 2004, the business was moved to Hempfield High School with the founding teacher and para-educator. During that same year, the Art Printing Company of Lancaster became their business partner and has continued to be a great asset to the mini-business. The Art Printing Company continues to print the tablets that the students have designed and allows students to work in the print shop, utilizing the materials needed to assemble the tablets.
Thank you for taking an interest in our mini-business!