- Centerville Middle School
- Academics
- Incoming Freshman
Grade 9 Information
Students are expected to follow all Hempfield High School’s policies and regulations as defined in the student handbook. These expectations are to be upheld for the good of our school community.
Dress Code
Students are expected to follow the school dress code. Those who do not follow our school dress code as defined in the student handbook will be referred for the appropriate disciplinary consequences.
Electronic Devices
Teachers are required to collect electronic devices for assessments or if a student signs out of the classroom. Students who choose not to adhere to a teacher request to turn over an electronic device will be referred for disciplinary consequences. Misuse of electronic devices, such as during classroom instruction, will also result in a referral.
Good Deeds and Incentive Program
Students who show that they are concerned about their classmates, complete a good deed/make a helpful decision, or are nominated by a staff member through our incentive program will be recognized and celebrated in our school.
Grade 9 Staff Members
9th Grade Principal, Dr. Beth Becker
School Counselor for A-Le: Mrs. Logan Albaugh
School Counselor for Li-Z: Mr. Rob Bentley