Week at a Glance

Posted by Clint Willman on 12/8/2024 4:45:00 PM

LMS Week At A Glance

Principal’s Message
Friday morning I spoke about the December character trait of the month, responsibility, on WLMS.  I shared that this applies to completing tasks they are responsible for completing at school, like homework, but also to chores and other things they are asked to do at home.  I shared that when they are asked to clean up their room, do the dishes, or put away their laundry, being responsible looks like them following through without needing to be reminded consistently or hounded to do so. I shared that responsibility is what allows others to take us at our word when we tell them we will do or take care of something.  If you have some time this month, speak with your children about areas where you see them demonstrating responsibility and an area where you see them being able to improve. 

Student Council will be holding our second dance (Winter Wonder Dance) of the year on Friday, December 13 . Students love this opportunity to have fun with friends, play some dodgeball, enjoy some snacks and show off their dance skills on the dance floor. We hope your student will plan to come! Tickets will be sold at all student lunches on Thursday and Friday this week for $3 per ticket, or at the door on Friday for $5. Parents can plan to drop off/pick up at the cafeteria doors. We would still appreciate your support through snack donations or by volunteering your time. Take a look at what’s needed: Snack Donations & Volunteers Needed

Character Trait of the Month: Responsibility

Family Resources
-Executive Functioning Skills: BrainTracks - Free Parent Presentations via Zoom - all year
-Coping Kids & Teens: Help dealing with serious illness and loss - Opportunities for Help

Quick Links
HSD Calendar can be found HERE
HSD Athletics calendar can be found HERE
LMS Bell Schedules can be found HERE

Snapshot of the Week Ahead


Cycle Day


Special Activity

Monday, December 9




Tuesday, December 10




Wednesday, December 11




Thursday, December 12




Friday, December 13





Looking Ahead
12/13 LMS Holiday Dance @ 7:00pm (Snack Donations & Volunteers Needed)
12/17 LMS Winter Chorus Concert
12/20 LMS Wacky Olympics
12/20 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
12/23-1/1 No School

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