- Landisville Education Center
- HVA Homepage
- HVA Secondary Overview
- Secondary School Courses
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About Secondary Courses
Core academic courses are available for all grade levels, and a variety of elective courses are available for high school students, grades 9-12. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are not available. Course options are subject to change based on availability.
Course work is completed asynchronously, but students in grades 7-12 can access additional tutoring support from their Hempfield facilitator, either online or face-to-face at the Landisville Education Center.
Middle School Courses
English Language Arts
- Language Arts– 7th Grade
- Language Arts– 8th Grade
- Mathematics– 7th Grade
- Mathematics– 8th Grade
- Middle School Algebra
- Pre‐Algebra
- Life Science 6
- Earth & Space Science 7
- Physical Science 8
- Science 6
- Science 7
- Science 8
Social Studies
- Social Studies– 7th Grade
- Social Studies– 8th Grade
- Health
- Physical Education
High School Courses
Health & Physical Education
- Fitness 1
- Fitness 2
- Fitness 3
- Health
Social Studies
- Foundations American History
- American History CP
- American History Honors
- World History CP
- World History Honors
- Foundations of Government/Economics
- Government/Economics CP
- Government/Economics Honors
- Global America CP
- Foundations General Science
- General Science CP
- Applied Biology
- Biology CP
- Biology Honors
- Applied Chemistry
- Chemistry CP
- Chemistry Honors
- Foundations Algebra 1A
- Algebra 1A Applied
- Algebra 1A CP
- Foundations Algebra 1B
- Algebra 1B Applied
- Algebra 1B CP
- Algebra 2 Applied
- Algebra 2 CP
- Algebra 2 Honors
- Foundations Geometry
- Geometry Applied
- Geometry CP
- Geometry Honors
- Pre‐Algebra
English Language Arts
- English 9
- English 10
- English 11
- English 12
Secondary Electives
- Advertising
- Sport Marketing
- Hosp. & Tourism
- Personal Financial Literacy
- Mythology/Folklore
Foreign Language
- Spanish 1
- Spanish 2
- French 1
- French 2
- German 1
- German 2
- Pre-Calculus
- Statistics Logic - Alegebra CP
- Algebra 3/Trigonometry
Other Electives
- Career Planning
- Careers in Criminal Justice
- Manufacturing - Product Design
- Intro to Social Media
- Law & Order
- Nutrition/Wellness
- Philosophy
- World Religions
- School to Career S1
- School to Career S2
- Environmental Science
- Forensic Science 1
- Earth & Space Science
Social Studies
- Digital Citizenship
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Geography
Requirements for Seniors Only
- Must be in need of a minimum of 3 required credits to graduate for the semester enrolled.
- No seniors will be enrolled in HVA during the second semester unless they meet the above guidelines.
- No student may enroll in HVA just for elective credits.
- Cannot be accepted into the HVA program after the start date of the second semester.