End of Year iPad Collection Information

Posted by Kelly Burkholder on 5/20/2024 2:00:00 PM

Grades K, 3, 6, 9, and 12

iPads and chargers are being collected from students currently in grades K, 3, 6, 9, and 12. These iPads are being replaced over the summer and must be turned in. If you have a student in one of these grades, please know that these devices and chargers are being collected throughout this week. Apple iPads, charging blocks, charging cables and iPad cases in these grade levels must be turned in. (Students in ESY or Summer School do NOT need to turn in their iPad until the program is completed in August.)

Grade 12 Collection: Tuesday, May 21, 7:30am-9am – PAC Lobby

Grade 9 Collection: Wednesday, May 22 through Friday, May 24 – HHS Commons and PAC Lobby

Grades K, 3, 6 Collection: Wednesday, May 22 through Friday, May 24 – student homeroom

Grades 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 11

Students in these grade levels have the option to turn in their iPad or keep it at home for use this summer. The district will collect iPads from students who wish to turn them in for summer storage this week (May 22-May 24). Chargers should remain at home for use next school year and will NOT be collected if a student is turning in their iPad for the summer. Students who turn in the iPad for the summer will receive the iPad in their new homeroom at the start of the 2024-2025 school year.

Please contact the Technology Office at 717-898-5596 for any iPad related questions over the summer.