CES GIVING TREE - Tags available

Posted by Laura Parke on 12/3/2024 12:00:00 PM

As the winter holiday is quickly approaching, we still have some tags on our CES Giving Tree.  Each tag has information for a clothing item or toy for a child of one of our CES families in need of support.  
If you are interested in purchasing a gift for the Giving Tree, please email our school counselor Amy Souder directly at amy_souder@hempfieldsd.org.  She will then email you the gift tag information and send home the actual tag with your child so that you have it.  
All gifts need to be turned in to our CES office unwrapped by next Wednesday, December 11.  
We are so fortunate to have such a caring Centerville community who are willing to come together and help spread joy while brightening the holidays for many of our CES children.       Thank you!