CES Glow Dance

Posted by Laura Parke on 4/9/2024 12:00:00 PM

Back by popular demand… The third annual CES GLOW DANCE sponsored by the PTO is Friday, April 19h, 6 to 8pm in the gym. Doors open at 6pm to enjoy food trucks, enter raffles, purchase neon tees, glow gear and new this year, neon socks! A surprise live GLOW performance is at 7pm. Grades K through 6 are welcome along with an accompanying parent or adult. Your child will be bringing home a flyer with event details and, at the bottom, a parent waiver to be returned to school. If returned by Wed, April 17th, your child will be entered into a drawing to win a Glow Swag Bag filled with GLOW VIBES ONLY gear.

Any questions, please contact Alycia Caramanico at alyciacaramanico@gmail.com or Maria Clark at clarkmes@gmail.com. Thank you for your GLOWING support!

GLOW Dance Volunteers Needed https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0F4FA4AB2AA6FD0-48871419-cesglow