Solar Eclipse - April 8!

Posted by Kelly Burkholder on 4/2/2024 9:00:00 AM

As you have probably heard, a rare astronomical event is happening on Monday, April 8 – a solar eclipse! While Lancaster isn't in the path of totality, we'll still have the opportunity to witness a partial eclipse, and we're making sure it's an educational and safe experience for our students and staff.

Several of our staff members have prepared handouts and fun facts related to the eclipse, turning this event into a valuable learning opportunity for our students. Although some districts are dismissing early for the eclipse, Hempfield will maintain our regular schedule. Here's the timeline for the eclipse on April 8: it begins at 2:06, peaks at 3:22, and ends at 4:34. Secondary schools will dismiss before the peak, while elementary students will leave shortly after.

We hope many of our students will experience this unique event, which won't happen again until 2044! Thanks to the Hempfield Foundation, eclipse glasses have been purchased for all students and staff to protect their eyes, if they want to look at the sun during the eclipse. The eclipse glasses are not sunglasses. Students will be reminded to use their glasses when looking up into the sky during the eclipse, and we need your help to remind your student(s), as well. It is also important to note that taking photos with devices during the eclipse, without a robust solar filter, can damage devices.

If students prefer not to participate, arrangements will be made for them to stay indoors during the eclipse. Please contact your child’s teacher to discuss such a request. After-school events and activities will be delayed until the eclipse ends. Coaches and instructors will provide specific information to their teams.

Weather permitting, we expect this to be a memorable and enriching experience for everyone involved.