Winter Keystone Exam Information

Posted by Bill Brossman on 12/10/2024 10:00:00 AM

Families of students taking Keystone exams should have received a letter in the mail detailing which exams your student needs to take and which room they will report to. If your student is currently taking Algebra 1B, English 10, or Biology this semester you should have received a letter. If you did not receive a letter, please reach out to our 10th grade secretary Families can find more information about Keystone Testing on our State Assessment webpage found HERE. Resources include, the winter keystone notice to parents, Code of Conduct for Test Takers, and the Calculator policy.


All HHS students need to be aware of the Special Schedules we will run on January 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th for our Keystone Exams. Schedules are posted in the Schoology calendar for easy student reference. During these four days all bus transportation will operate as normal.  However, students who are not testing do not need to be in school during the testing window. Non-testing students should plan to arrive by 10:00am in order to be on time for the start of their Pd1 class, which will begin at 10:05am. Non-testing students should enter HHS through the rear cafeteria entrance. Students will not be admitted to HHS via the main entrances until 10:00am.


***Any student who needs transportation to school should ride their bus as usual.***


We will take daily attendance in 1st period after 10:05AM. 

Breakfast will be served as usual from 7:20-7:40AM. There will be no breakfast for students arriving after 7:40am.


We will follow the Keystone Exam schedule below:


7:20-7:40        Bus and Breakfast operations as usual.

7:40-10:00      Testing in all content areas in designated rooms.

Any non-testing students who need transportation to school must use their regular

 bus schedule. They will report to one of three areas:

                               Cafeteria - study hall

                  Buchanan Gym - court games

                  PAC - video/movie


All non-testing students must arrive to school by 10:00AM.

10:05-10:55     1st Period

11:00-11:50     2nd Period

11:55-1:55      3rd Period

                                    A-Lunch – 11:55-12:25

                                    B-Lunch – 12:25-12:55

                                    C-Lunch – 12:55-1:25

                                    D-Lunch – 1:25-1:55

2:00-2:50       4th Period

No WIN periods